Mon 27 Jan
Massages By Heather....BEST Massage GUARANTEED!!! - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/Ft Hood/Waco/Austin)
🎊🍒🎊🍒Grand Opening 💋💋Beautiful Asian Masseuse 💋💋Best Massage Service 🍒🎊🍒🎊CALL: 254-350-8551 - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Get outta the RaiN & cOme get W€T w/ ME!! }LeT yOuR BODY~-* % }BE TOUCHED*-~% +++bY My bOdY!!! - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, In or Out Available all day:))
❤💖【TOP QuaLiTy MASSAGE + SERVICE】❤💖 ▌▌▌UnRuSHeD PLEASURE ▌▌▌ Deep, Erotic ❤💖 - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen and Surrounding Area's)
~*~Total Relaxation Specials~*~50 hr. only today call for an appt ASAP - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen hh cove temple)
*"*★ *"* ~ S P O T ~ R I G H T ~ T H E R E ~ *"*★ *"* w/ Me ~469~ 443 ~2450 ~ - 40
Angel,Armani, Natasha, come relax with us - 29
(killeen,temple,cove,harker heights, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
NURU Massage Dangerously &Very; Slippery ... - 47
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Heights/Cove/Killeen/Ft Hood/Cove)
Your Angel Dezire is Back home~ Heavens kiss by an Angel~`Not Childs Play`~ - 46
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/ HH /Cove)
>> Now independent - Asian 23 w4m
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, Incall at Hotel or Outcall)
Only 4 days left in TX. Don't miss out on this sultry busty 38FF Private Dancer! I/O Discreet & safe - 36
(Austin, ATX upscale home/hotel/office I/O)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun!
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, City Location)
Thu 09 Jan
~``Sensual Sensations By Dezire ` Exotic Massages not Childs Play`` ~ - 44
(Austin, Austin / Downtown)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Meet all our Our Beautiful Asian and Latina Princesses
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, Incall or Outcall)
Sexy Reiki Therapist - Open 4th of July Weekend - In-Call Only - 29
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen, TX)
☆C.C. ♡ Deep Tissue* In or Out Call - 50
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, §In or Out§ Austin-surrounding areas)
a sexy companion for all your needs & desires!
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, City Location)
waiting & willing to ac0mpany y0u t0 y0ur desires..
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, City Location)
▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ 100% Real (No Games) Independent Valentina Allways Qualitty Session▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - 22
(Austin, 183/Northcrest)
------> Real SATISFYING Full Body Massage, Openings Today!
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, Downtown)
☆☆☆☆☆Sexy Thick/BBW- Let My Hands Melt Away Your Stress ☆☆☆☆ Valentines Day Specials! - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen)
🌟🌟🌟 Great hands to take your stress away 🌟🌟🌟 - 26
(Austin, every where, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco)
Sun 05 Jan
~+*SeXy cHiCk*% )SeNsUaL rUb** ~+SwEeT SeDuCtiOn++ %*MeLt StReSs AwAy & sO MuCh mOrE...;) $pecial$** - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Your place or mine??)
Upscale Service My Hands & Body Is Amazing Outcall Specials - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen Surrounding Areas)
🔊🔊 Offering Erotic 💄💄Bodyrubs 4 👐👐 Healing & Pleasure 💋💋 ⏳⏳ 24/7 - 37 - 28 - 29
(Austin,Harker Heights, killeen, temple,, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
✨✨X💋O💋X💋O✨✨Grand opening 💐New In Town 💐Best Massage 🎉🎉Best Service ✨✨X💋O💋X💋O✨✨ - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Erotic ~*~ Exotic ~*~ Sensual ~*~ Massage {{ C.Cards/Pay Pal Accepted }} - 35
💗 HOTTEST in the CiTY 💗 CLICK HERE ▒★ KiLLєR CuRvEs ♡【Wh!+є G!rL】⇨ ★▒【 THE *BEST SpeCiALs 】 - - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, my place or yours)
EXxTREMELY SMOKIN HoTT NEW IN TOWN 100% Real ★★🍓💕Ultimate Bombshell[×❤×] Avail NOW - 23
(IN/OUT, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
WOW Super Sexy Winter Special 50IncallSpecial 4Hand Special - 27
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen temple cove)
ECCIE reviewed and verified! Come💋and experience pure💙relaxation👑💆 INCALLS ONLY!!! - 24
(Killeen/Harker Heights and surrounding a, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
EXOTIC. ... SENSUAL Therapeutic SERENE BODY RUBS ....wonderful for the businessman 80$/HR.60$/HH - 23
Sat 04 Jan
No plans this weekend? Drive on down to Austin for the hottest private show ever! Or I can travel. - 35
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, I/ATX O/Bell Co. & surrounding areas)
🔷🔷CLicK FoR AUSTIN'S #1 h⭕️T GiRLs🔷🔷🔷InTeRNaTioNaLs MoDeLs OnLY FoR YoU🔷🔷🔷HoT BeBeS🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷 - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 🔷🔷🔷NeaR Downtown🔷🔷🔷)
D_R_E_A_M_** M_ A_ S_ S_A _G_E_By_MIA CALL NOW Tel(254)-394 -30 - 46
°•♥•° Let Me Comfort You and Help you R€le@se ... Ur Tension °•♥•° ! - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, ((KILLEEN INCALL ONLY)))
JuSt LaY bAcK ReLaX tAkE A lOaD oFF..... i'LL dO tHe rEsT`'**~~ JaNeT ~~**'` - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen! ! Surrounding areas!!)
~*~Total Relaxation Special limited time~*~ quality service 50 hr special call ASAP for appt - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen hh cove temple)
My touch is slow and sensual Angel and Armani.. - 29
(killeen,temple,cove,harker heights, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
~`Bodies By Dezire`~ Not Childs Play Let my magic touch be your New Years Resolution - 40
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/Cove in and out)
Sultry busty 38FF blond Private Dancer for erotic fun in ATX/Out to Bell County New pics! Discreet - 35
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Incall Austin Outcall to Bell County)
Fri 03 Jan
Hot Asian Girls Massage You - September 17 - September 24
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, Outcall)
80{}hr ..TH€RAP€U+IC s€r€n€ b¤d¥ rubs B¥ K¥LII.... Fulfill AlL yOuR *nEedS!! 806 731 1883 - 23
❤✿❤ ❤✿❤ -ROSE CHINESE MASSAGE GRAND OPENING ❤✿❤ ------ 254-539-0373--SKB - 23
(501 W ELMS RD STE #12, Killeen, 76542, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Thu 02 Jan